
LTC EIA – Scoping Report (inc more maps)

LTC EIA – Scoping Report (inc more maps) or in full Lower Thames Crossing Environmental Impact Assessment – Scoping Report was released on 2nd Nov 2017.

At the October LTC Task Force Meeting at Thurrock Council offices it was confirmed that Highways England would send the EIA Scoping Plan to the Planning Inspectorate at the end of October. (view the minutes here)

After some online searching, we have just come across this newly released document on the National Infrastructure Planning website.

There are 457 pages to the document, which to be honest we are still reading through, but map images start around page 360 for those who were asking questions about junctions etc after the previous HE update last week.  Please bear in mind this is not necessarily the final route, we think it is safe to assume there will be further changes as time goes on.  But we wanted to share this info with you now.

LTC EIA – Scoping Report (inc more maps)

Click here for a direct link to the pdf of this new document

LTC - EIA - Scoping Report (inc maps)

Click the + and – to zoom in and out on the images, and the arrows to move through the series of maps in the pdf above


To make it a little easier to reference, here are some of the maps and satellite map images pulled from the huge pdf document above.  Please do try to read through the whole document too, as there is lots of info in there.


Click the + and – to zoom in and out on the images, and the arrows to move through the series of maps in the pdf above


Click the + and – to zoom in and out on the images, and the arrows to move through the series of maps in the pdf above


Find the info about Highways England’s update from last week here

Find the Red Line Maps from last weeks update here


Don’t forget there is a TCAG community meeting coming up on Sun Nov 26th, please help spread the word and come along if you can.  We’re all in this together, and our strength is in unity!