
Issue Specific Hearings

Issue Specific Hearings take place within the DCO Examination about topics that the Examining Authority think need to be explored orally, typically because the issue to be heard is complex (in that it is technically complex and engages a number of operating factors or dimensions; or because it engages multiple Interested Parties with different positions, or both). The decision to hold an ISH about a particular topic is not an indicator of how important and relevant (or in due time weighty) they consider an issue or topic to be.


Taking part in an Issue Specific Hearing (ISH)

Speaking at ISHs is by invitation of the ExA. You can register your interest to speak by the associated deadlines.  Agendas will name those parties that the ExA wishes to hear from.  The ExA will publish a detailed draft agenda on the project website at least five working days in advance of the hearing date. The ExA will endeavour to issue a draft agenda in advance of the five working day period wherever possible. The actual agenda on the day of each hearing may be subject to change at the discretion of the ExA.

A further announcement will be made as to when and where hearings will be. Generally DCO Examination hearings take place either in person at a venue and/or online virtually via Microsoft Teams.

You will be able to watch hearings via the Live Stream online on the day of the Examination, and recordings of hearing will be published shortly after hearings have taken place. More details of taking part in the Related Links section below.

There is also opportunity to submit written representations at various associated Deadlines. See our DCO process timeline and/or the official Exam Timetable on the LTC PINS webpage for more info.

All representations, whether oral or in writing, will carry the same weight and be given equal consideration by the Examining Authority.

Please do advise the PINS LTC Case Team if your circumstance change and you are no longer able to attend a hearing that you have registered for.


When will Issue Specific Hearings be held?

All Issue Specific Hearings for the LTC DCO Examination have now been held.  Please see below for more details.


ISH that have already taken place

You can watch the recordings and read the transcripts of ISH that have already taken place on our Examination Hearing Recordings Update.


Questions relating to Issue Specific Hearings

If you have any questions regarding the Issue Specific Hearings please contact the PINS LTC Case Team asap via email or calling 0303 444 5000 quoting your Unique Reference Number which would have been issued when you registered as an Interested Party of appear at the top of official letters you have received as an Affected Party.



Taking part in the LTC DCO process – click here

Taking part in an online LTC DCO Meeting/Hearing – click here

Watch LTC DCO Examination Hearing Recordings – click here