
National Infrastructure Planning Reform Programme Consultation

The Government are holding a National Infrastructure Planning Reform Programme Consultation – click here to find out more.  To put that into simpler terms as it’s a bit official!  Projects like the proposed Lower Thames Crossing are considered Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs), ie a very large project that is considered to be important to the nation.  These NSIPs have their own version of a planning application process, which is called a Development Consent Order (DCO).  This consultation is all about that process because the Government want to speed the process up.  However, in ours and others opinion the process is already very rushed.

TCAG response

The consultation asks a series of questions, which you can view, along with our official consultation response:

TCAG Response to National Infrastructure Planning Reform Programme Consultation

You can scroll through using the arrows

If you are having any issues with viewing our response above it can also be downloaded as a pdf file here.


The consultation runs from 12th August 2021 – 17th December 2021.  Response can be submitted either via the online survey, or you can email your response to the questions in this consultation to:

Our response was submitted on 16th Dec 2021.



Details of the National Infrastructure Planning Reform Programme Consultationclick here

Respond to the National Infrastructure Planning Reform Programme Consultationclick here

Other TCAG communications and consultation responsesclick here