InfoTask Force

June 2023 LTC Task Force Meeting

The June 2023 LTC Task Force meeting took place on Mon 19th June, the agenda for this meeting can be found here.

The meeting was webcast live and is also available on the council’s YouTube channel so you can watch again, and our update covers some of the highlights.

LTC Task Force Committee

With the start of a new council year, following the local elections, a new LTC Task Force Committee has been formed.  Members of the committee for the 2023-24 year are as follows:

The June meeting began with nominations for the Chair and Vice Chair of the LTC Task Force.

We are delighted to announce that Cllr Fraser Massey continues in the role of Chair, and Cllr Sara Muldowney takes the role of Vice Chair.  Both have been on the LTC Task Force for a number of years now and have already carried out great work, we look forward to them taking their Chair and Vice Chair roles at LTC Task Force for the coming year.

We would also like to take a moment to thank Cllr John Kent for his work as Vice Chair over the past year, and also thank all LTC Task Force committee members, the council’s LTC Team, and everyone else who has worked on and supported the LTC Task Force current and past.  Together we are stronger!


Verbal Update on Development Consent Order (DCO) Pre Examination Process and next steps

An update was given by Thurrock Council’s Director of Place, Mark Bradbury on the LTC DCO pre-examination and examination process, and what comes next.

As detailed in previous updates, Thurrock Council had voiced concerns about their ability to make fair and adequate representations within the draft examination timetable, and called for a delay.  This is something they covered in the LTC DCO Programming Meeting and Preliminary Meeting 1, as well as various written submissions.

However, despite Thurrock Council and other parties calling for a delay to the start of the examination, the Examining Authority (ExA) announced on 15th June 2023 that they intend to proceed with the LTC DCO as per the draft examination timetable, starting on 20th June 2023.

Mr Bradbury detailed the various hearings and deadlines that the council will be attending and making written submissions for.

It was also explained that whilst the draft timetable was detailed in the Rule 6 Letter, the Rule 8 Letter will be published on the 20th June, which will include the confirmed timetable, which may vary slightly from the draft timetable.  We will of course update the info on our website to reflect this as soon as we possibly can once the Rule 8 Letter is published.

Chris Stratford of the council’s LTC team also mentioned two documents that the council had submitted which he thought beneficial to highlight as they outline the council’s main concerns and issues.

Thurrock Council’s Relevant Representation [PDA-009] – click here

Thurrock Council’s PADS (Principal Areas of Disagreements Summary Statement) [PDA-008]- click here

The council’s LTC team are working hard on preparing the Local Impacts Report which is due by the 18th July 2023 (Deadline 1).

They are also preparing for Issue Specific Hearing 1 and Issue Specific Hearing 2, held on June 21st and 22nd respectively.  The first hearing covers the Project Definition, and the second will cover the draft DCO.



LTC Task Force meetings – click here

LTC DCO Updates Indexclick here

Thurrock Council’s participation in the LTC DCO (March 2023) – click here