Accompanied Site Inspection 2 (ASI2)

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Categories: ,

Accompanied Site Inspection 2 will take place on the 13th September 2023, and will cover the application site and surroundings in Thurrock.   You need to have registered by Deadline 3 to attend this ASI.

Please note – For practical reasons the number of attendees may be limited. Ultimately attendance is at the discretion of the Examining Authority and dependant on the landowner granting access.


Start LocationGrays Station, Crown Road, Grays RM17 6NF

Start time – 9am

Finish time – approx. 5pm

Click here to view Itinerary


What to expect

Detailed joining instructions including the locations of staging posts and an itinerary setting out sites to be inspected and times will be sent to all attendees in advance of the event.  However, the actual itinerary on the day of each ASI may be subject to change at the discretion of the ExA, responding to matters such as weather or traffic conditions.

If you have registered to attend, please be present at the start location at the appointed time. There will be options to join and leave at relevant staging posts or to remain with the ASI until its conclusion.

No catering is provided at these events. It is the responsibility of individual attendees to bring their own refreshments or to purchase refreshments en route. The itineraries will include locations where purchases can be made.

If the ASI is cancelled or amended, then notification will be published as soon as practicable on the project webpage, providing reasonable notice to all parties of the decision to cancel or amend them.

If for any reason you can no longer attend the ASI after registering to attend please advise the LTC Case Team asap via email or call 0303 444 5000.  Please use the same contact details for any questions relating to the ASI.


NB. There are other dates reserved for other ASI in October and November if required.  Please see our LTC DCO Process Timeline for more info on the reserved dates.



PINS notice on September ASI 1,2,3click here

Advice Note 8.5: The Examination: hearings and site inspections – click here

Site Inspectionsclick here

LTC DCO Updates Index – click here