LTC DCO – Procedural Deadline A

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Categories:

For receipt by the Examining Authority(ExA) of:
• Requests to be heard orally at the Programming Meeting
• Written submissions in advance of the Programming Meeting

The Programming Meeting has been provided to consult local authorities on the procedural arrangements for examination affecting them. The ExA will ask questions but will not take any firm or final procedural decisions. The proceedings of this meeting and all decisions consequent upon them will be a subject matter for consideration at the Preliminary Meeting in due course.

It is open for attendance by the Applicant and all Interested Parties. Local authority Interested Parties are specifically invited to attend. The ExA’s questions arising under the agenda items will be limited to questions of examination procedure and will be directed at the Applicant and at the local authorities referred to under sections 88 and 88A of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended), within the framework provided by the draft Examination Timetable (Annex D).

If you wish to attend and/or participate in the Programming Meeting you must register by completing the Event Participation Form by Procedural Deadline A (23:45 on Friday 5 May 2023).


This information is taken from the LTC DCO Rule 6 letter.

Programming Meeting


Date: Tuesday 16 May 2023

Virtual registration from: 9:15am

Hearing starts: 10am

This hearing will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams. Full instructions on how to join online or by telephone will be provided in advance to those who have pre-registered

If you simply wish to observe the meeting, then you do not need to register as you will be able to watch a livestream of the event. A link to the livestream will be made available on the project webpage shortly before the event is scheduled to begin. You will also be able to watch the recording of the meeting which will be published on the project webpage shortly after the meeting has finished.


Purpose of the Programming Meeting

A Programming Meeting has been introduced in this case, aiming to reduce the time taken at the Preliminary Meeting by addressing specific issues about the resources required for and timing of local authority participation in the Examination and the preparation of Local Impact Reports, brought to the ExA’s attention by local authorities during the pre-examination period. By discussing these issues in a separate preparatory meeting, it is hoped to assist the efficient running of the Preliminary Meeting for all Interested Parties. This meeting is preparatory in nature. All relevant procedural decisions about how the application is to be examined will be taken at the Preliminary Meeting.

The agenda for the Programming Meeting is at Annex C to this letter. As with the Preliminary Meeting, this meeting is not an opportunity for you to give your views on the application. The ExA will limit the matters raised there to the agenda items and to clarification of procedural requests made by the local authorities.

A recording of the meeting will be published under the Documents tab on the project webpage

Written submissions about how the application should be examined

The Planning Act 2008 establishes a principally written process for the examination of applications for Development Consent Orders. Representations made in writing carry equal weight to oral representations at all stages of the process.

We are inviting written submissions from recipients of this letter about how the application should be examined.

For those wishing to participate in the Programming Meeting, we want to hear from you about:

  • arrangements that you need to make to participate in the Examination;
  • your preparation of a Local Impact Report; and
  • resourcing and timing considerations in relation to these matters.

You are invited to make a written submission on these matters by Procedural Deadline A (5 May 2023) (see Annex D to this letter).